søndag 19. september 2010

New PB

Was out yesterday with Erik and was casting a Boggs paddletail over 30 feet or so, counting to 10, and jig/swim it home. Just as I reeled in the slack a felt a thump, HOOKSET! The fish came quietly in, with only a some headshakes, but no power runs. When I saw the fish by the boat I was thinking 30lbs+ and asked kindly for Erik to put away the camera, the fish broke the surface just next to the boat, I was thinking it was more 20lbs or so. I walked it around the boat 1 or 2 times, Erik landed it perfectly, even tho we had forgotten the net. Meassure and weight, I meassured it to 120cm (47") and it weighed 12120 gram (26,7lbs a mere half pund over my old pb, which was 50" in length) Hopefully this is just the start of the fall fishing :)
Thanks to Erik for guiding me on a water I hate :) I got 5 more and Erik got 4 in total, but no biggies, but I dont complain and I hate that water a littlebit less...

5 kommentarer:

morten opsahls fiskeverden sa...

Congratz!!!! grom grom gjedde!! ! !

KoKo! sa...

Kjempe bra lengde på denne!

Anonym sa...

Congratz mate
nice fish


Åsmund Isaksen sa...

Åhei! Grattis med ny pers! Gromgjedda ja!

Michael Andersen sa...

Takker, var fint å få en real en i år også, siden jeg ikke fisker såå mye. Men jeg går for større nå, nå er trua tilbake :)
Mr Fokker: Thanks, why arent you online? Still havent used the new boat?