tirsdag 5. april 2011

New stuff

Been playing around with some new prototypes and old stuff lately. There are also some SoS' and probably the last 3 StiffBeavers in the mix too (Im out of blanks)
First bait is a remake of a crank I made last year, which had more tooth marks than hook marks in it after a couple of days testing. Making 4 new, from yellow poplar instead of maple. It has a tight X movement, with little belly roll.

Second bait out is a 10" crank I also tried last year with maple, which didnt run very well. This one has a bit different lip angle, and are also made from yellow poplar.
Third bait is a 10" crankbait version of my PrancingTit glider model, a glider that I never bothered to finish,  if it works well I have to name it Crankin'Tit.
Fourth one out, is actually one of the PrancingTit blanks I had from 2 yrs back, I carved out the chin to make a dive and rise type of jerkbait. Waiting for the metal tail, but it actually worked ok without.
And last but not least, the PrancingTit aka TittyTail, in a spur of boredom I pulled this one out from the dark cellar which it have been for almost 2 yrs.
I forgot to take a picture of the trolling version of StiffBeaver, which can be seen in the background on each picture here (the one with the deep lip slot). This bait has more of a rollin' action. Now I just need to sand them a bit, drill out some lead and dip them a couple of more times in the sealer, prime them, paint and clearcoat them.

2 kommentarer:

Solarfall sa...

cool looking series of baits, that Crankin'Tit looks pretty funky, in a good way of course ;)cant wait to see what colours you will come up with these.

Åsmund Isaksen sa...

legger du ut noen av cranksene for salg? :)