søndag 1. august 2010

w30 report

Finally got a few days fishing. Trolling was the plan, so I got my self a coupe of new reels, Abu 7000LC and some new rodholder from RAM, both worked great. I just have to mount the rodholders properly on my boat, I had a little mishap with the makeshift solution...
Trollin', Trollin', Trollin', RAWHIDE!

Not much action on my rods, but I managed to find a couple of small ones. 
My last night just before moonrise/sunset (they occured 2 minutes apart...) I got into a nice one, a  106cm/42" 8,3kg/18,2lbs. She actually hit the planerboard first, with a huge splash, just as I typed the Woops post below (I sent the post after I was done with the fish) After unhooking, meassuring and photos she swam away fine and I was a happy camper. 

The next day it was dead calm. 
Anders reeling in a small one

Around noon the wind picked up, and so did the action, both Anders and I reported about lost fish simultaneously, I lost a good fish on a friends homemade crank, and just after I got a good rip on one of my own, turned around and trolled the same stretch into the wind, and Thiles crank got hammered again and I netted a nice 96cm/38" fish. 
96cm/38" taken on Thile aka Von Scorpion Lures' crank

Quiet before the storm...

After that the weather changed to worse, and I headed in for lunch, and then headed home. Erik and Anders kept on and they got some nice fish throughout the weekend, Im sure you can read about it on their blogs (Pikewallis and Manhoods blogs to the right-->)
Anders releasing his, at that moment, new PB, dont know if the other biggies he got was bigger...

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