søndag 29. november 2009

Kitchen lures....

My new "shop"...
Gonna try to make a 2 part mold of a spinnerbait head. Just for the practice. My 2 year old's lego works as a form, to keep the goop in place. Gonna buy my own, its very useful for this, you can make virtually any size form. The beads are there for alignment of the 2 parts. The grey thingie is to pour the lead thru. It should have been wider at top, but next time
Pouring the RTV into a mixing cup. It has no smell, fumes or gases, it can be irritating to your skin, hence the gloves. The ratio is 100:2.
Mixing. When the color is consistent its stirred enough. Not like C&W/e-tex where you have to stir for several minutes.
Pouring. It pours very well, and evens out by itself. I could also see it degassing right from the mixing stage.
Now, all I have to do is wait... 16 hours, and tomorrow night I can make the other part of the mold.

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